
Masterspec Subscriptions

Which system will suit me?

Use the comparison tool to compare the different Library features and benefits and create a bespoke package perfect for all your specification needs.

How do I subscribe to Masterspec?

Subscribing to Masterspec can be done online at any time. Begin the process by creating a login here

More information on Subscription Options

Can I upgrade my subscription?

Yes you can. Fill the subscription form and email it to us. Select the "Existing customer" option.

Tick the systems you already have and what you would like to upgrade to. It will show you the pricing for the systems you want.

Do I get a discount for more than one library?

Yes you do. Use the price calculator to find out more, or reach out to our team at

How do you calculate how many Masterspec Users are in a practice?

This is the total number of design staff in your practice excluding marketing and reception staff.

How long is the minimum subscription period?

24 months. 

Can I pay monthly?

Yes you can.

Reach out to us via email to request a Direct Debit Authority form. 

How do I cancel my subscription?

Contact us if you wish to cancel your subscription. You can send an email or call us. We would like to know the reason for cancellation as well.

Log in to Nextgen2

How to log in to NextGen2?

Select the LOG IN button on the top right hand corner.

What are my login details?

If you already have an account, username is your email address.

If you have forgotten your password, select Forgot Password? 

If you do not have an account, click on Create an Account and follow the instructions on the form presented to create an account for yourself.

Why can I not see any of my company projects?

Ensure your company is subscribed to Masterspec.

If it is and your email address has been added as an accepted user, you can go to MY DETAILS -> My Subscription Access and select Connect Now under Connections.

Why can I not see Connect Now?

Contact your organisation admin to see if you have been added as an accepted user.

Feel free to contact us if you run into any difficulties. 

Changed to a different Employer or Company?

What do I do if I change employers or start working at another practice?

You will need to update your profile (as outlined in the 3 step process below) and associate yourself with your new employer. This retains all your personal information, but allows you to connect with your new organisation.

STEP 1. Login to your existing account

Do this by clicking on the link at the top right of your screen.

STEP 2. Change your email address/username

Navigate to your 'My Profile' information, enter your new email address then click the Update button.

STEP 3. Connect with your new employer

Ensure your new company is subscribed to Masterspec.

If it is and your email address has been added as an accepted user, you can go to MY DETAILS -> My Subscription Access and click on Connect Now under Connections.

If you cannot see the 'Connect Now' link, contact your organisation administrator or Masterspec for help.

Building a Specification Document

Where do I start?

The Projects tab. Once you are logged in and connected to your company, go to Projects -> Create a New Spec

How many Work Sections can I add?

As many as you need.

Where is my specification stored, and why should I trust this?

Your documents are stored on Microsoft Azure server system. Red Shield is also used by Masterspec for additional security.  The information is backed up daily to off-site locations using standard procedures.

Masterspec recommends that best practice is to back up your own copies at key milestones on your businesses server. Please note that this file cannot be later re-uploaded in the online platform.

How to add a work section from another specification that I created previously?

Follow the steps below:

  • Open the Specification that you want to download the section into
  • From the right hand side, click on Office Projects under Masterspec
  • Click on the specification that you want to download the section from
  • Click on the section that you want to add to your current specification
  • The section will be added to your current specification and will appear in the contents (left-most) panel

Can I make a copy of my existing specification and build onto it?

Yes you can.

  • Go to Projects -> Create a New Specification
  • Fill in the details 
  • Under Create Specification from, select Clone an existing Specification Document
  • Select the specification you wish to clone from the drop-down
  • Click Add

Editing Content of a Specification Document

Why can't I see the contents panel?

If you are using a laptop or a PC with a small screen size, the contents (leftmost) panel will tuck in to give you ample space for the editing. You can access it by hovering the mouse on Work Sections on the top left hand side.

You can also resize your browser to show/hide all 4 panels:

  • Ctrl- will reduce the screen size. Press F5 to refresh.
  • CtrlØ will reset back to 100%


I have added the work sections into my specification. How do I edit them?

  • Click on the Projects Tab
  • Open the specification by clicking on the title of the specification
  • Click "Edit" next to the work section title in the Specifications Work Sections panel.
  • Alternatively, you can click "Edit" on the toolbar

How do I save my work?

Your work will be saved automatically. The save routine runs every few seconds when you are editing a section.

Why do I see an orange exclamation next to some of my work section titles?

This means that Masterspec has updated that section.

You can View changes and use the Update Manager to incorporate the changes into your section

I have run the Update Manager but why is the update alert still there?

It will go away once you set the work section to complete.

Office Masters

What is an Office Master?

An Office Master is your personalised Specification Document template, made up of one or more personalised Work Sections. These are made available for re-use in exactly the same manner that Masterspec Work Sections can be imported into your Specification Document.

When creating a new specification, you have the option of cloning an existing Office Master to start with.

How do I create an Office Master?

In almost exactly the same manner that you create a Specification Document. The primary difference is that you get to save away the Office Master in a special way that lets you select from its Work Sections when creating a new Specification Document. Use the main menu in the Work Section selector panel, to the right of the Editing panel.

Will I know if Masterspec have made any changes?

Yes. When Masterspec have updated a Work section it is automatically compared with your Office Master. A alert symbol will highlight that there is a more recent version. To incorporate these changes, select the Office Master you would like to edit. From here, you will notice an alert symbol if the work section is out of date. 

Select the affected Work Section. On the top right of the edit panel, there will be a link allowing you to view the changes that were made, and to compare your Office Master with the latest Masterspec Work section. Additions are in Yellow, Deletions are in Red.

Updates can be applied in a two different ways. First, from manually editing each clause as you want, or secondly, clicking on the context menu (cog icon) to the right of each Clause Title and using the provided menu to Insert, Overwrite or Delete the entire clause.


Why are there so many tables with dashed border?

When you export your specification after you have completed it, these tables will export as text with tabs.

  • If you want to export text as tab, put it in a borderless (dashed) table
  • If you wish to export tables with borders on, right click on the table, select Table Properties and select table-border from the drop down.


How can I add/delete rows/columns from a table?

Right click on the table and select the option you are after:

How can I adjust column width?

You can not. When you export the specification, the columns will be in the table will auto adjust according to the amount of text in the cells

Exporting the Specification

How do I export my specification?

You can export your specification at any point.

  • Click on the specification that you want to export
  • Click on export
  • Select your preferences 
  • Click on Export Now

How can I remove DRAFT on the cover page of my exported specification?

You need to set your specification to complete before exporting.

  • Click on the specification
  • Go to the Overview tab
  • under Current Status, click Set to Complete and click on Update

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