Content - 17 February 2025

CBIWork Section
1 General
The specification
1012Table of Contents
1013Document Control
General requirements
1222Project Personnel
1222LProject Personnel LBP's
1226GDGreen Star Project - Special Requirements
1226GOGreen Star Design & As Built - Credit Schedule
1226HMHomestar Project - Special Requirements
1226HTHomestar Project - Sustainable Materials
1226LBLBC Project - Special Requirements
1226LSLBC Project - Imperative Submissions Schedule
1232Interpretation & Definitions
1232S1Explanation of Schedule Sections
1233Referenced Documents
1235Shop Drawings
1235S1Schedule of Shop Drawings
1236S1Schedule of Environmental Documents
1237S1Schedule of Warranties
1237WAWarranty Agreement
1238As Built Documentation
1238S1Schedule of As Built Documentation
1239Operation & Maintenance
1239S1Schedule of Operation & Maintenance Info
1247Traffic Control
1250Temporary Works & Services
1256Waste Management
1260Project Management
1270S1Schedule of Samples & Prototypes
1270S2Schedule of Spares & Maintenance Products
1278SRSchedule Of Slip Resistance Testing
2 Site
2110Demolition Works
Preparation and groundwork
2210Preparation & Groundwork
2223Removing Subsurface Constructions
2311Cast In Place Concrete Piling
2314Steel Screw Piles
2314SSStop Digging Screw Piles
2316Driven Timber Piles & Poles
2321Timber Pole Structure
2322Concrete Pile Foundations
2323Timber Pile Foundations
2361Strip Footings
2362Foundation Walls
3 Structure
3101Concrete Work - Basic
3101ACAllied Low Carbon Ecrete Concrete - Basic
3101FCFirth Low Carbon Concrete Work - Basic
3101HCHolcim Concrete - Basic
3102ARAllied Ready Floor System
3111CFCupolex Slab Formwork System
3123ASlab-Tect® Cure Seal & Protect - AQURON
3123PFPeter Fell Texture Safe Slip Resistance Finishes
3124Finishes to Wet Concrete
3124AInfra-Tect™ Exposed Concrete Life Extension - AQURON
3124CSCreteseal Ashford Formula Densifier - Cure, Seal, Hardener & Dust Proofing
3124GEGilt Edge Concrete Cure, Hardener, Moisture Control & Protection
3124PFPeterFell Coloured Concrete & Sealers
3129HCHolcim Low Carbon Concrete Production
3129SWSika Concrete Waterproofing
3130Precast Concrete
3130MMONARC Creative Precast Panels & MONARC Treads
3143Lightweight GRC Systems
3163HPCSR Hebel PowerFloor Floor System
3163RIRCS Integra Lightweight Concrete Flooring System
3320Concrete Masonry
3321FFirth Concrete Masonry
3350Earth Building Common Requirements
3351Adobe Brick Earth Building
3352Rammed Earth Building
3410Structural Steel
3415Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel
3811Prefabricated Structural Timber Framing
3811EI-Built Engineered Timber Products
3811MMiTek Prefabricated Timber Trusses
3813Engineered Wood Products
3813FFuturebuild® NZ - LVL Structural Framing
3813LTLumberbank Engineered Timber Beams & Posts
3813PProwood Prolam Laminated Structural Framing
3813TETechlam Engineered Timber Products
3821MMiTek Timber Framing
3821NSNST CodeRight Dryframe H3.2 Timber Framing
3821SSSimpson Strong-Tie Timber Framing
3827EEcoply Plywood Bracing System
4 Enclosure
Tanking and pre-cladding
4121SBSika Blackseal Elastic
4131AArdex Damp-Proof Membranes
4131ACAllco Casali Damp Proof Membrane
4131ALAllco Volclay Tanking
4131ARArdex Tanking Membranes
4131ASSikaproof A+ 12 and P12 Waterproofing Systems
4131ATAllnex Tanking Membranes
4131AWArdex Weldable Tanking Membrane
4131CFFosroc Proofex Sheet Tanking
4131EBEquus Soprema COLPHENE Tanking Membrane
4131MAMapei Adesoguard Peel & Stick Tanking
4131MEMapei Easy Lift Damp Proof Membrane
4131NNuralite Nuraply 3P Covered Tanking Systems
4131NSNuralite Preprufe & Bituthene Tanking Systems
4131NTNeuchatel Damp Proofing and Tanking Membranes
4131SBSikaproof Bentonite Tanking
4131STSealco Tanking Systems
4131VMViking Mercury Tanking Membrane
4131VPViking Peel & Stick Tanking Membrane
4161Underlays, Foil & DPC
4161DPDuPont Tyvek Underlay System
4161EVEBuilt Underlays & Vapour Barriers
4161MIMarshall Weatherization System
4161MPMasons Underlays, Dpm & Dpc
4161PCPro Clima Wall and Roof Underlays, Tapes & Accessories
4161PIPro Clima Internal Airtightness System
4161TKingspan Thermakraft Underlays, Foils, DPC, DPM, & Tapes
4161THDriSpace Underlays, DPC & Airtight Systems
4171BRBGC Durabarrier Rigid Air Barrier
4171CRCemintel Rigid Air Barrier
4171EEcoply Barrier Rigid Air Barrier System
4171GRGIB Weatherline Rigid Air Barrier
4171HRJames Hardie® Rigid Air Barriers
4171IBIBS Rigidrap Rigid Air Barrier System
4171IRIBS RigidRap XT Rigid Air Barrier System
4171MBMasons Barricade Weather Defense System
4171SBSaveBOARD BetterBRACE Rigid Air Barrier
Wall and soffit cladding
4221Timber Board Cladding
4221AHAbodo Horizontal Cladding System
4221AVAbodo Vertical Cladding System
4221BHTimberline Thermory Horizontal Cladding
4221BVTimberline Thermory Vertical Cladding
4221CHRosenfeld Kidson Cedarscreen Horizontal Weatherboards
4221CVRosenfeld Kidson Cedarscreen Vertical Weatherboards
4221FWFireshield Woodsafe Exterior Western Red Cedar Cladding
4221HAHermpac ACCOYA Horizontal Weatherboard Cladding System
4221HBHermpac ACCOYA Vertical Weatherboard Cladding System
4221HHHermpac Horizontal Weatherboard Cladding System
4221HVHermpac Vertical Weatherboard Cladding System
4221JHJSC Horizontal Weatherboard Cladding
4221JMJSC Thermally Modified Timber Horizontal WB
4221JVJSC Vertical Weatherboard Cladding
4221JWJSC Thermally Modified Timber Vertical WB
4221KHKLC Horizontal Weatherboard Cladding System
4221KVKLC Vertical Cladding System
4221LHLMA Hardwood Horizontal Cladding
4221LVLMA Hardwood Vertical Cladding
4221THITI Timspec Accoya Horizontal Weatherboards
4221TIITI Timspec Accoya Vertical Weatherboards
4221TPITI Timspec Radiata Pine Horizontal Weatherboards
4221TRITI Timspec Radiata Pine Vertical Weatherboards
4221TUITI Timspec Cedar Horizontal Weatherboards
4221TVITI Timspec Cedar Vertical Weatherboards
4222WHITI Timspec Weathertex Horizontal Weatherboard
4222WVITI Timspec Weathertex Panel Cladding
4223Plywood Cladding
4223PPlytech Panels Pinetech Cladding
4223SCShadowclad Plywood Cladding for Cavity Construction
4224Timber Exterior Trim
4231Fibre Cement Sheet Cladding
4231BSBGC Sheet Lining & Facade Systems
4231BWBGC Weatherboard & Plank Cladding Systems
4231HAJames Hardie Axon™ Panel Cladding
4231HFJames Hardie® Exotec™ Facade Panel Cladding
4231HHJames Hardie Hardie™ Flex Sheet Cladding
4231HIJames Hardie External Fire & Acoustic Wall Systems
4231HLJames Hardie® Linea™ Weatherboard Cladding
4231HOJames Hardie® Oblique™ Weatherboard Cladding
4231HSJames Hardie® Stria™ Cladding
4231HWJames Hardie® Hardie™ Plank Weatherboard Cladding
4234PPalliside uPVC Weatherboard Cladding
4238HPCSR Hebel® PowerPanel50 External Wall System
4238HXCSR Hebel® PowerPanelXL External Wall System
4239Soffit Cladding
4239IBIBS Kalsi Fibre Cement Soffits
4239JHJames Hardie® Soffits
4239RBRibon Metal Soffits
4239RSRondo Systems - Soffits
4241Profiled Metal Cladding
4241DDimond Profiled Cladding
4241MMetalcraft Roofing Profiled Cladding
4241MEMetalcraft Espan Cladding
4241MRMDS Profiled Metal Cladding
4241NZColorsteel® Wall Cladding
4241RERoofing Industries Eurostyle® Epic™ Cladding
4241RFRoofing Industries Eurostyle® Spanlok®, Eurolok™ Cladding
4241RIRoofing Industries Profiled Metal Cladding
4241RSThe Roofing Store Profiled Metal Cladding
4241SSteel & Tube Profiled Metal Wall Cladding
4241SCStratco Profiled Metal Cladding
4241SESteel & Tube Euroline Wall Cladding
4241STStratco Profiled Metal Tray Cladding
4241TSSteelformers Profiled Metal Cladding
4242Profiled Plastic Cladding
4242ATAmpelite Fibreglass Profiled Sheet Cladding
4251Aluminium Composite Cladding
4251PIPaneltec Indurabond FR Aluminium Cladding
4251SASymonite Alucobond® Plus ACP Cladding Systems
4251SPALUCOBOND® Plus ACP Cladding Systems
4252AMArchimax Aluminium Cladding System
4252BAAliclad Max Aluminum Weatherboard System
4252DANu-Wall Aluminium Cladding System
4252FHFlashclad Horizontal Aluminium Cladding
4252FVFlashclad Vertical Aluminium Cladding
4252PCPaneltec Induracore G2® Aluminium Cladding
4252PDPaneltec Induraplate™ Aluminium Cladding
4252PSPaneltec Stryum Aluminium Cladding
4252SCSculptform Click-On Aluminium Cladding System
4252SPALUCOLUX Solid Aluminium Cladding System
4252SSSymonite Alucolux Solid Aluminium Cladding System
4252VHVulcan Ultraclad Horizontal Weatherboards
4252VVVulcan Ultraclad Vertical Weatherboards
4254SPInnowood Weatherboard Cladding System
4254TMTrespa Meteon Facade Cladding
4254XFTrespa Meteon PXF Facade Cladding
4256HMJames Hardie Monolithic Cladding
4259KEKorok Exterior Wall Systems
4259MTMetroclad Terracade Rainscreen Cladding
4259SFSymonite Equitone Fibre Cement Cladding
4259SPEQUITONE Fibre Cement Cladding
4259SQCUPACLAD Slate Cladding
4259SRTerreal Terracotta Cladding
4259SSSymonite Cupaclad Slate Cladding
4259STSymonite Terreal Terracotta Cladding
4261Brick Veneer Cladding
4261CMCSR PGH Clay Brick Veneer Cladding
4261MBMasons Brick Veneer System
4261MVMidland Brick NZ - Clay Brick Veneer
4261NBBrickworks Clay Brick Veneer
4261PGPremier Group Concrete Brick Veneer Cladding
4263Concrete Masonry Veneer Cladding
4263FFirth Veneer Cladding
4272Stone Veneer
4272CCraftstone Real Stone Veneer System
4272NBBrickworks Feature Stone Schist Veneer
4274HRHard as Rocks Eldorado Stone Veneer
4281Stucco Cladding
4281SLSto Stucco Cladding Systems
4282Exterior Solid Plaster
4282CSpecialized EZpanel AAC Panel Cladding System
4282GRGranosite Render Systems
4282MPMasons Plaster Systems
4282RIRCS Integra Lightweight Concrete Facade System
4282RMRCS Masonry Render System
4282SCSpecialized Masonry Plaster System
4282SPStoArmour Façade Panel System
4282SRSto Masonry Plaster Systems
4283RMRCS Fibre Cement Sheet Finishing Systems
4283SFSto Monotek or Ventclad Plaster Systems
Roofing and decking
4311Profiled Metal Roofing
4311DDimond Profiled Metal Roofing
4311DHDimond Heritage Tray Profile
4311DTDimond Roofing - Architectural Tray Profile
4311DWDimond Advanced Roofing Systems
4311KRSmartDek-710 Profiled Metal Roofing
4311MMetalcraft Profiled Roofing
4311MEMetalcraft Espan Roofing
4311MRMDS Profiled Metal Roofing
4311NZColorsteel® Roofing
4311RERoofing Industries Eurostyle® Epic™ Roofing
4311RFRoofing Industries Eurostyle® Spanlok®, Eurolok™ Roofing
4311RIRoofing Industries Profiled Metal Roofing
4311RLRoofLogic Ultratherm MSR Roofing System
4311RMRoofLogic Fibertherm MSR Roofing System
4311RSThe Roofing Store Profiled Metal Roofing
4311SSteel & Tube Profiled Metal Roofing
4311SESteel & Tube Euroline Roofing
4311SRStratco Profiled Metal Roofing
4311STStratco Profiled Metal Tray Roofing
4311TSSteelformers Profiled Metal Roofing
4312Profiled Plastic Roofing
4312ARAmpelite Fibreglass Profiled Sheet Roofing
4312DDimond Profiled GRP Natural Lighting
4312PCPSP ClearVue Roofing System
4312RIRoofing Industries Profiled Natural Lighting
4312STSteel & Tube Profiled Natural Lighting
4321Concrete Tile Roofing
4321MTMonier Concrete Roof Tiles
4322Clay Tile Roofing
4322MTMonier Terracotta Roof Tiles
4323Pressed Steel Tile Roofing
4323GGerard Steel Tile Roofing
4323MMetalcraft Roofing Steel Tile Roofing
4331HHardie™ Fibre Cement Decking
4337Plywood Roofing & Decking Substrate
4337EEcoply Roofing & Decking
4338LSStrandsarking Roofing Substrate by Laminex
4346VEViking EcoStar Roofing Tiles
4351Timber Shingle Roofing
4356Asphalt Shingle Roofing
4356GAGAF Asphalt Shingle Roofing
4356VCViking Certainteed Asphalt Shingle Roofing
4371LTLouvreTec Opening Roofs
4381Deck Support System
4381EFEquus Fixplus Deck & Tile Support System
4381GAGlass Vice Floating Deck Systems
4381MPProfoot Deck Pedestal System
4381NJNurajack Deck Support System
4381OQOutdure Qwickbuild Modular Framing Support System
4381VBViking Buzon Deck Support System
4383Timber Decking
4383HHermpac Timber Decking System
4383TTTimberline Thermory Timber Decking Systems
4384BFBiForm Solid Composite Decking
4384FDFuturewood Composite Decking
4384FMForte Millboard® Decking
4384ODOutdure Decking & Deck Surfaces
4384PTPSP TimberTech Decking
4384TMTimberline Modwood & Modas Composite Decking
4391FSFreedom Works Walkway Inserts
Membrane roofing
4411Mastic Asphalt Roofing
4411ANeuchâtel Mastic Asphalt - Roofing System
4411ADNeuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Decks & Terraces
4411AGNeuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Green Roofs
4411APNeuchâtel Mastic Asphalt Car Parks
4414AHAllco Hydrotech MM6125 Rubberised Asphalt Waterproofing
4414APNeuchâtel Permatec Waterproofing System
4421Bitumen Based Sheet Roofing
4421AArdex Torch Applied Membrane Roofing
4421ACAllco Casali Carpark Membrane System
4421ALAllco Casali Dermabit Extra and Dermafil Membrane Cold Roof System
4421EBEquus Duo Roof & Deck Membrane by Soprema
4421EDEquus Duotherm Warm Roof & Deck System by Soprema
4421ENEquus Nova-SK Flameless Roof & Deck Membrane By Soprema
4421ESEquus Soprasun Plus Roof & Deck Membrane by Soprema
4421MEMapei Evolight S Roof & Deck Membrane
4421MSMapei Spider P Roof & Deck Membrane
4421NNuraply Membrane Roofing & Decking
4421SFSealco FlameSEAL WarmSEAL & GreenSEAL Membrane Roofing
4421VBViking Torch-On Roofing Membrane
4421VRViking Roof Gardens
4422Synthetic Rubber Sheet Membrane
4422AArdex Butynol & Butyseal Membrane Roofing
4422ADArdex Undertile Waterproofing Membrane
4422AEArdex Weldtec Exposed Membrane System
4422AJAllco JM TPO Membrane - Cold Roof Systems
4422ARArdex Warm Roof Systems
4422ATARDEX Elevate TPO Membrane Roofing
4422AWAllco Alltherm Warm Roof & Deck Systems
4422EFEquus Soprema Flagon TPO Roof & Deck Membrane
4422GEGAF EverGuard TPO Membrane Roofing
4422MMMapei Mapeplan TPO Membrane
4422NTNuraply TPO Roof & Deck Membrane
4422STSealco EcoTUFF TPO Warmseal & Greenseal Membrane Roofing
4422VBViking Butylclad & Epiclad Membrane Roofing
4422VEViking Enviroclad Membrane
4422VRViking Fleece Backed Re-roofing Membranes
4422VTViking Warmspan² Timber Insulated Roof System
4422VWViking Warm Roof System
4423RLRoofLogic Ultratherm Xtreme Derbigum System
4424APNeuchâtel Armourplan Single Ply Membrane System
4424RFRoofLogic Fibertite Roofing Membrane
4424RLRoofLogic Ultratherm Xtreme Fibertite Roofing System
4424SASika Sarnafil® Fully Adhered Roofing Membrane
4424SGSika Sarnafil® Loose-Laid Roofing Membrane
4424SMSika Sarnafil® Mechanically Fixed Roofing Membrane
4427RLRooflogic Ultratherm Xtreme Derbigum Metal Deck System
4427VSViking Warmspan Tray System
4427VWViking Warmspan² Steel Insulated Roof System
4432Liquid Applied Membrane Waterproofing
4432CDEquus Chevaline Dexx Roof & Deck Membrane
4432MPMapei Polyurea Sprayed Membrane System
4432SRSikaRoof I-CURE 22 Liquid Applied Roof Membrane
4432VViking DEC-K-ING Waterproofing Membrane
4481LDInternational Leak Detection System
Windows and doors
4521ELEBSA Architectural Glass Louvre Systems
4522CSCS Group Performance Louvres
4522JBJuralco Louvre Roof System
4522JLJuralco Louvrelite® Solar Control Louvres
4522JRJuralco Louvrelite® Roller Shade Panels
4522JSJuralco Security & Insect Screen Systems
4522LLouvretec Sun Louvre Systems
4522VLVentuer Performance Louvres
4522WLWindow Treatments Louvre Roof System
4553Exterior Doors
4553PDParkwood Exterior Doors
4611Glazing Exterior
4611AGAGP Glazing Commercial
4611GEGlass Projects Exterior Glazing
4611MEMetro Performance Glass Exterior Glazing
4611VCViridian Glass Commercial Exterior Glazing
4611VEViridian Glass Exterior Glazing
4611WGWoods Glass Exterior Glazing
4614WGWoods Glass Speciality Glazing
4621Glass Block Walling
4635JFJuralco Frameless Glass Sliding & Stacking Doors
4691GGSL Glassguard Glazing Films
Enclosure sundries
4811BBostik Sealants & Adhesives
4811DSDow Sealants
4811SSika Sealants
4811SESelleys Sealants
4811SGSoudal Gorilla Sealants & Adhesives
4821FFlashman Window & Door Flashings
4821MRMasons E2 Redway Flashings
4843MOModdex Ezibilt Modular Stair, Ramp and Decks
4851Exterior Handrails & Timber Balustrades
4852BABelcanto Attache Balustrades
4852GAGlass Vice® Aluminium Balustrading System
4852JBJuralco Glass & Aluminium Balustrades
4852MEModdex Handrails, Grabrails & Balustrades
4852SPSpectrum Aluminium & Glass Balustrades
4852UBUnex Architectural Barrier Systems
4855BGBelAire Glass Balustrade Systems
4855GVGlass Vice Balustrade & Windbreak Systems
4855JGJuralco Glass Balustrade Systems
4855OGOpus Glass Balustrade Systems
4855VBViridian Glass Balustrade Systems
4855WGWoods Glass NZ Balustrade Systems
4871AFACMF Facade Louvres & Screens
4871IBInsol Aluminium Facade Canopies
4871IFInsol Facade Louvres & Screens
4911Steel Metalwork
4924Stainless Steel Metalwork
4933Aluminium Metalwork
4961Copper & Copper Alloy Metalwork
5 Interior
Wall and ceiling linings
5172CFComfortech™ Stratocell® Whisper® FR Acoustic Foam Panels
5181Interior Solid Plaster
5181RCRCS Rockcote Interior Plaster System
5183MBMidland Brick NZ - Clay Brick Interior
Partitions, screens and doors
5261WWindow Treatments Shutters
Joinery fixtures and hardware
5517APArchant Porcelain Benchtops
5544WWindow Treatments Outdoor Awnings
Signs and features
5811Signs & Displays
6 Finish
Applied coatings
6122Floor Screeds & Toppings
6122AArdex Floor Substrate Preparation
6122CFosroc Nitoflor Polyurethane Flooring
6122GEGilt Edge Floor Substrate Preparation
6122SRSika Cement Based Floor Repair & Levelling
6123Terrazzo Finishes
6125ACArdex Carparking Waterproofing & Finishes
6125ADFlowcrete Deckshield Car Park Deck Coating
6125AFFlowcrete Industrial & Commercial Resin Floor
6125ALAllnex Resin Flooring & Floor Toppings
6125CFosroc Nitoflor Floor Finishes
6125DRDegadur Commercial Resin Flooring
6125MCMapei Car Park Waterproofing & Finishes
6125MSMapei Sports Surfaces
6125SMSika Concrete Moisture Control System
6125SVSikafloor - Car park decks, stairs & walkways
6133SPSika Pulastic Sports Surfaces
6135AFloorTect Concrete Floor Covering Protection
6141Ground, Sealed or Polished Concrete
6141MFMegafloor Polished Concrete
6192Flooring Substrate Preparation
6193AFArdex Concrete Finishing & Repair Systems
6211Wall Tiling Systems
6211LLaminam Porcelain Tiling By Laminex
6211SWSika Wall Tiling & Waterproofing
6221Floor Tiling Systems
6221AARDEX Tiling Solutions
6221APArchant Porcelain Floor Tiling
6221BBostik Tiling & Waterproofing Solutions
6221CCDribond Tiling Solutions
6221GTLaticrete Tile & Stone Installation Systems
6221JDJacobsen Tile & Deck Pedestal System
6221JTJacobsen Floor Tiling
6221MMapei Tiling Solutions
6221SSika Floor Tiling & Waterproofing
6224PTPremier TrueStone Paving
Flooring ancillaries
6614FSFreedom Works Stair Nosings & Inserts
6614GEGilt Edge Stair Nosing, Transitions & Trim
6614JTJacobsen Tredsafe Nosings & Transitions
6614MRMRC Tredsafe Stair Nosings & Treads
6614TTTotal Tactilez Nosings & Trim
Painting, decoration and coating
6700Painting General
6700DDulux Painting General
6700PPPorter's Paints General Painting
6700PSPaintPlus Environmental Paint Systems General
6700RResene Painting General
6700WWattyl Painting General
6711Painting Exterior
6711DDulux Painting Exterior
6711DEDulux Environmental Painting Exterior
6711PPPorter's Paints Exterior Painting
6711PSPaintPlus Environmental Paint Systems Exterior
6711RResene Painting Exterior
6711REResene Environmental Painting Exterior
6711WWattyl Painting Exterior
6731Decorative Coatings
6734DDryden WoodOil Migrating Non-Filming Timber Protector
6734OPOsmo Timber Finishes
6734STSikkens Timber Stain System
6735GGraffiti Solutions Anti Graffiti Coatings
6744DPDulux Protective Coatings
6745Protective Coatings - Steelwork
6745AAltex Protective Coatings - Steelwork
6745HPHempel Wattyl Protective Coatings - Steelwork
6745IPInternational Protective Coatings - Steelwork
6745PJProline Jotun Protective Coatings - Steelwork
6745RResene Protective Coatings - Steelwork
6746DDulux Powder & Industrial Coatings
6746IPInterpon Powder Coatings
6746MWMetwood Woodgrain & Special Finishes
6781Hot Dip Galvanizing
6782Metal Spray Corrosion Protection
Finishes sundries
6811Waterproofing & Acoustic Underlay System
6812AArdex Undertile Waterproofing Membranes
6815CFComfortech™ Stratocell Whisper UV Acoustic Foam Panels
7 Services
Liquid supply
7112Water Storage Tanks
7120Hot & Cold Water System
7123BButeline Hot & Cold Water System
7123BPButeline PEX Piping System
7123RRehau Hot & Cold Water System
7142Greywater Systems
7150Sanitary Fixtures, Tapware & Accessories.
7151AGAquago Chemchek Water Dispensing Systems
7151MCMacDonald Industries Commercial Washroom Accessories
7151MLMerquip Elkay Bottle Fillers & Fountains
7153ZCZONE Bobrick Commercial Washroom Accessories
7211Gas System Utility Network
7212Gas System LPG Cylinders
7221Gas Appliances
Liquid disposal
7411Rainwater Spouting Systems
7411CContinuous Spouting Rainwater Systems
7411DDimond Rainwater Spouting Systems
7411FPVortique Rainwater Disposal Systems
7411MMetalcraft Roofing Rainwater Spouting Systems
7411MAMarley Rainwater Disposal Systems
7411RIRoofing Industries Metal Rainwater Systems
7411SSteel & Tube Rainwater Spouting Systems
7411SRSteelformers Rainwater Systems
7412ARAllproof Roof & Balcony Drainage Systems
7421Sanitary Systems
7421AIAllproof Interior Floor Waste Systems
7421MOMarley Optim DWV Sanitary System
7431Drainage Common Requirements
7441Groundwater Drainage
7451Surface Water Drainage
7451AACO Surface Drainage Systems
7451AEAllproof Exterior Surface Drainage Solutions
7451ALAllproof Level Threshold Drainage Systems
7451MSMarley Connecto Surface Drainage Systems
7455Stormwater Mitigation Systems
7461Foul Water Drainage
7462Wastewater Treatment System
Heating and cooling
7555EEscea Gas Fires
7555FThe Fireplace - Gas & Electric Fires
7555RFRinnai Gas Fires
7555WRinnai Warmington Gas Fires
7556Solid Fuel Space Heating System
7556EEscea Wood Fires
7556FThe Fireplace Wood Fires
7556WRinnai Warmington Solid Fuel Fires
7701Electrical Basic
7701PCPDL & Clipsal Electrical
7717Photovoltaic Power System
7742CPCSP Pacific Street Lighting System
8 External
Retaining walls
8112Segmental Concrete Block Retaining Walls
8112FFirth Keystone Retaining Walls
8112FSFirth Keystone Structural Retaining Walls
8113Concrete Crib Retaining Walls
8122Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil
8126Gabion Retaining Walls
8141Timber Crib Retaining Walls
8142Timber Post Retaining Walls
8144Timber Log & Sleeper Retaining Walls
8212Sub Bases to Sealing & Paving
8222Chip Seal & Asphaltic Paving
8226Gravel & Stone Paving
8231Segmental Paving
8231BPBowers Paving Systems
8231FFirth Paving
8231FTFirth Trafficable Streetscape & Urban Paving
8231HIHorizon International Paving
8241Edging, Kerbs, Gutters & Footpaths
8255Synthetic Turf
8255SGSmartgrass Synthetic Turf
8261Roadmarkings & Signs
8262HMFreedom Works Traffic Management
8262VWVanguard Vehicular Management
8281FGFreedom Works Exterior Tactile Ground Surface Indicators
8281MRMRC Exterior Tactile Pavers & Indicators
8281TTTotal Tactilez Exterior Tactile Indicators
Landscape cultivation
8310Landscape Site Preparation
8321Soil & Soil Preparation for Planting
8331Plant Propagation
8333Turf Laying & Lawn Seeding
8335Tree Planting & Transplanting
8337Wetlands Planting
8361Green Roofs
8363Rain Gardens
8380Landscape Maintenance
8382Tree Pruning
8384Roadside Mowing & Vegetation Control
Landscape structures
8410Landscape Edging
8422Timber Structures, Decks & Pergolas
8430Fences & Gates
8432BFBoundaryline Fencing & Gates
8432BMBoundaryline High-Density Fencing & Gates
8432ESEdgesmith Fence Panel & Gate Systems
8432JSJuralco Sanctuary Fence & Gate Systems
8432UGUrban Group Fencing & Gate Systems
8434Post & Wire Fences
8437USUrban StabiFence System
8440Garden Walls
8461Street & Landscape Furniture
8461UEUrban Effects Streetscape Furniture
8465Playground Equipment & Surfacing
8465PCPlayground Centre Playground Equipment
Landscape services
8511Irrigation System
8512Water Features
8581Duct Work for Landscape Services
Civil engineering infrastructure
8671CPCSP Pacific Multi-plate Systems
8682CPCSP Pacific Acoustic Barriers