Product Technical Statements
New Zealand legislation now insists that Product Manufacturers and Suppliers to establish and document that their products meet the performance requirements of the Building Code. In response we have created the miproducts Product Technical Statement (PTS) to support you in the preparation of your documentation. We have also prepared a number of resources to help you prepare your PTS.
If you are an existing Masterspec Product Partner* you already qualify for five free Product Technical Statement (PTS) listings.
If you are new to Masterspec and miproducts you can create a Supplier account and create basic listings for every product in your range, all for free. You can also purchase PTS Listings outright (in groups of five, see the Pricing Schedule for more information).
If you need more than 20 PTS's then please contact Mark Fairbairn on 021 609 910 or email
*A Product Partner is a manufacturer/supplier who maintains at least one branded section in the Masterspec specification system.
Creating a Product Technical Statement on miproducts
You can create a Product Technical Statement directly within the miproducts system.
Login to your miproducts Supplier account.
You will be taken to your Supplier dashboard.
Select Product Listings from the Navigation list on the left
Select New Product above your product listings list.
You'll be taken to the Product Listing creation tool - here you have the option within the drop down to create a free Standard Listing or a Product Technical Statement.
From the drop-down list select Product Technical Statement
The tool switches to display the 5-step approach to creating your PTS. In Step 1 you will fill in the basic information about the product including;
- Brand name and Product Name
- Teaser Description
- Extended Keywords (that may help in a Search context)
In Step 2 you to enter and upload a full product description and supporting documents, as well as links to pages on your product's website. These points include;
- Full Description
- Scope of Use
- Links to Drawings, Technical data, Environmental Data, Installation & Application Details, Maintenance, Colour Range and Material Safety Data Sheets
- There are also provision to upload PDFs of Technical data, Environmental Information, Installation Instructions and Maintenance Data
- Further Tabs allow you to add Images to your listing - if more than one image is uploaded these will automatically rotate on your listing
The next section, Step 3, allows you to perform a self-assessment of the product to show how it meets the performance requirements of the NZBC.
Levels of the likelihood of non-compliance during normal use are;
- Rare
- Unlikely
- Possible
- Likely
The next tab allows you to establish that the product will, if employed with the supplier's installation instructions and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the provisions of the Building Code. Select all the sub-clauses that apply to your product.
The third tab within Step 3 allows you to provide Support Evidence of the performance claims made. Provision is made to link to BRANZ appraisals, CodeMark or other certification.
The final tab within Step 3 allows you to establish Design and Installation criteria that must be adhered to, to achieve the product performance stated.
In Step 4 enables you assign a CBI Category for your product. This is optional, however miproducts will review this category for suitability prior to listing. The CBI defines how the product is searched and sourced on both the miproducts and Masterspec systems.
Finally, in Step 5, check and confirm that all the required information has been included. The system gives you a preview of your listing to check.
If you have a Service agreement in place, simply confirm the listing. The miproducts team will be notified to check the details, after which they will publish the listing.
If no Service Agreement is in place the listing will remain as a 'draft' on the system until you complete a PTS Service Agreement.