
Client Testimonials

Trusted by thousands of design professionals, countrywide.

"Masterspec recently reviewed an early draft of our BPIR for fire doors. I found this process invaluable as it provided us with a report on where we met the BPIR content threshold and where we needed to make improvements. Their service was, as always, highly professional; they examined our documentation meticulously. We now have something we can use to enhance our content and knowledge across a range of products. Thanks to Masterspec’s input I’m confident we can meet BPIR requirements and can now focus on other priorities." Read more

- Jonathan Collins Marketing Manager, Hallmark Group

“Masterpec is an invaluable tool for us, especially for the complex projects that we are involved with. The software is easy to use and gives us confidence that the information we provide is accurate and up to date, which ultimately leads to a smooth and efficient project delivery.” Read more

- Lee Turner Director/Head Architectural Designer, Turner Road Architecture Limited

"At X Studio Architects, we've found Masterspec to be a reliable partner in mitigating risks. The ease with which we can replicate specs across projects is a real time-saver, and it's all at an amazing price point." Read more

- Owen Xing Director/Registered Architect, X Studio Ltd

"The integration of Masterspec with the CAD software goes a long way towards reducing that error rate. I can update a keynote for example and know with confidence that every single keynote across all the documentation is picked up instantaneously. That saves time hunting them all down. That ensures there is no errors tucked away on some sheet that we have forgotten to check or just missed.

This is why Masterspec is our preferred specification software." Read more

- Michael Pepper Managing Director, Pepper Architects

"From start to finish, the team at Masterspec exhibited the highest level of professionalism, expertise, and attention to detail throughout the process. Their deep understanding of the construction industry and knowledge of building codes and regulations allowed them to represent ACMF's products into their database." Read more

- Marius Koen Department Head, ACM Fabricators Ltd

“The Masterspec technical team have been very professional, showing a high level of understanding of the building code and systems. They have also shown a great level of patience as we all meticulously went through the specification making amendments to ensure that the document was of the highest quality.” Read more

- Adam Jackson General Manager, Allproof Industries

"The advantage of working with Masterspec has been the ability to set up an Office Template for the mechanical team incorporating Masterspec content with customised practice clauses." Read more

- Holger Zipfel Team Leader Mechanical Engineering,

"Previously a full specification took about half-a-day to create, however with Masterspec NextGen2 we have that down to around an hour-and-a-half. That’s a huge saving for us." Read more

- Trish Merryweather ,