
LBP Certificate of Design


The LBP/RBW scheme only applies to Residential buildings that require a Building Consent. It includes new work and alterations. Residential work includes buildings from houses to small apartment blocks, they must be under 10m high and have no commercial/industrial facilities.

More detailed information can be found on the MBIE Licensed Building Practitioners web site.

For Designers involved in RBW, information and downloads can be found here:

For information on construction LBP's and RBW go to this site.

As an LBP Designer/Registered Architect/Chartered Professional Engineer a Residential Building Consent application will require the designer to fill in a Certificate of Design Work (CDW) or a Memorandum of Design Work (MDW).

There has been concern expressed by some Professional bodies that the MBIE's CDW places too much liability on the signatory. NZIA have proposed the use of an MDW, which removes "certificate" status. For NZIA members the MDW is available by logging in here.

The MBIE version of the CDW can be found here .