
BIM Survey

New Zealand National BIM Survey report 2013

New_Zealand_National_BIM_Survey_report_2013-1This New Zealand National BIM Survey 2013 report was prepared by Masterspec on behalf of the construction industry with support from BRANZ, RMBF, NZIA, ACENZ, the MBIE-sponsored Productivity Partnership and NBS (UK). It still provides a credible picture of present day attitudes and progress made towards Building Information Modelling (BIM) in New Zealand.

The survey responses reveal signs that a growing sector of the industry is beginning to see the potential of this technology shift.

However, the term Building Information Modelling (BIM) has a wide spectrum of different meanings (e.g. 3D CAD), even among those who say they are already using the new technology.

The report also highlighted potential roadblocks to full adoption of BIM, including the need for agreed industry wide protocols and tools. Masterspec has recently published the Open BIM Object standard to help address these needs.

This is still New Zealand's most comprehensive BIM report and includes a foreword by the Minister, industry leader opinions, an international comparison and a 'Next Steps' section.

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