
Masterspec Project Forms

Project specifications are provided for 2 main purposes. The first is as a document to be used for Building Consent purposes to compliment the drawings showing how the work as detailed will comply with the NZ Building Code. The second purpose is to advise tenderers and then the successful contractor of quality and workmanship matters relating to the construction of the works.

For some time Masterspec has provided via the specification delivery systems certain documents which are not required for either of these purposes. These include:

  • Tender submission form
  • Tender summary form
  • Project directory

In order to assist in the proper assembly of specifications, these forms are now deleted from the specification delivery system. They are still available as downloads below. The forms have also been able to be enhanced with trade summaries being able to be downloaded as either Word files or as Excel spreadsheets for both large and smaller projects. Customised options are included to properly take account of the conditions of contract being used for the construction contract.

Further forms may be developed and made available to subscribers. Subscribers are invited to suggest forms that they consider may be of use to them in the course of project documentation and delivery.

Directory Forms

Project Personnel
Project Personnel LBP's

Tender Documents - Masterspec Based Forms

Tender submission form (Sept 2016)
Tender summary CBI Basic format (Sept 2016)
Tender summary CBI format (Sept 2016)
Tender Summary NZS 4202 format (Sept 2016)

Tender Documents - NZIA Based Forms

Tender Submission NZIA SCC SCCSF (Sept 2016)
Tender Summary NZIA SCC (Sept 2016)
Tender Summary NZIA SCCSF (Sept 2016)

Tender Documents - NZS 3910 Based Forms

Tender Submission NZS3910 (Sept 2016)
Tender Summary NZS3910 (Sept 2016)

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