miproducts Pricing Schedule
Product types
Standard listing
A free listing of every product supplier/manufacturer who provides products to the New Zealand construction industry. This will include a separate listing of each product (product name, company name and logo and a one-line product description) together with a short product description, a single image and a hyperlink to the product page on the supplier's website, company contact details and a website link.
Product Technical Statement (PTS)
1. Visual enhancement of the related product listing, plus links to key data – detailed technical information, CAD drawings, etc - as held on the product supplier/manufacturer’s website.
2. A product technical statement for each product covered by the service agreement, based on a standard template and comprising:
- Product name
- Product description
- Design guidelines
- Any product certificates (Environmental Choice, ISO, APAS, etc)
- A picture gallery
- Environmental
- Performance statement
- Scope
- New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
- Evidence
- Supporting evidence (E.g. appraisals, CodeMark)
- Special conditions
- Installation requirements
- Special requirements
- Maintenance requirements
- Validation date and date last updated
Product Technical Statements
| Product Partners | Non Product Partners |
Product Listing Blocks | Price Per Block | Total Cost | Price per Block | Total Cost |
| Free | Free | $1,200 | $1,200 |
| $500 | $500 | $500 | $1,700 |
| $500 | $1,000 | $500 | $2,200 |
| $500 | $1,500 | $500 | $2,700 |
| By Quotation | By Quotation | By Quotation | By Quotation |
Note: A Product Partner is a manufacturer/supplier who maintains at least one branded section in the Masterspec specification system.
Subscription terms
Specific terms and conditions are listed on the miproducts service agreement.
The terms and conditions of access to and use of the miproducts database are as set out on the home page of the miproducts website - look for the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy links at the bottom of the page.
Paid listings on the miproducts database are provided on a fee basis with a minimum period of 12 months from the agreed date of the first listing, but continuous until cancelled. Paid listing fees are due for payment, in a single lump sum in advance, one clear month following the signing of the service agreement and thereafter on the agreed annual renewal date.
All fees are quoted exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST).