MasterKey for Revit - Assigning Masterspec Keynotes
Assigning Keynotes to Revit elements with MasterKey is a simple drag and drop process. In this example we will add a MasterKey keynote to a wall.
Assigning Masterspec Keynotes - click on the thumbnail for a larger image.
You must have the MasterKey palette open and linked to the NextGen2 servers within the open Revit project.
Select the object you wish to keynote.
Expand the Keynote tree to reveal the desired keynote to be selected.
Select the keynote then, while holding down the mouse, Drag and Drop to the drawing (this puts the system into Place Element Keynote Mode) then place the keynote.
Press Escape twice to get out of the Mode.
By default MasterKey places an Element Keynote. You can also choose to select either a Material or User Keynote. We recommend wherever possible you use Element Keynotes.
To edit an already keynoted element select the object, change back to Element Keynote and hold down the Control key while you re-Drag and drop a new keynote to the drawing desktop. Then select the keynote to be changed - the selected keynote will update.
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