
Assign and Manage User Privileges

There are a number of extra privileges the Administrator can grant a User to access tools and functionality.

Many Masterspec services are only available to subscribing organisations, not directly to the individual members who have registered with Masterspec. For a Masterspec User member to access these services they must first be connected with your organisation and appear in the All Employees list.

The Assign Added Privileges panel has a number of tabs allowing you to control different access privileges.

The first tab is to assign the Administrator role itself. To ensure continuity at least two members of staff should have Administrator privileges to cover holidays or absences.

Simply select the staff members name from the drop-down list, select Add and the Admin role and privileges will be assigned to that user.


The next tab grants privileges to create and manage the practice Office Masters. In the same way as the first step the user name is selected from the drop-down and added.

The quantity of Office Masters should be limited within a practice due to the amount of maintenance it may require at the beginning of the month when the updates from Masterspec are published. A typical month may require up to half an hour maintenance on each Master.

It is advisable to have only senior or very competent staff edit and maintain an Office Master. Office Masters however are able to be downloaded by all users for review and use in their specification.


If you have a MasterKey subscription a MasterKey tab will appear - only those named in this list will have access to the MasterKey tool and be able to assign keynotes directly from the specification.

Note there is a limit of 10 users per practice MasterKey subscription.
