
Link Building a Specification


These instructions relate to using Masterspec Link with the Masterspec Standard, Structural & Civil, Services, Landscapes, Basic and Interiors Libraries. Link operates slightly differently with Masterspec Minor Residential - seperate instructions are at the bottom of the navigation.

Building a Specification



Assembling the required files
Accessing Link
Building a specification
Adding sections using Q&A
Adding sections without Q&A edits
Work sections - browsing and searching
Which versions of the files are being downloaded
Accessing additional manufacturer's data
Deleting work sections

Editing and customising
Introduction to editing and customising
Prompts for customising content - Guidance notes and Tildes
Editing clauses
Page numbering
Renumbering clauses
Inserting and creating a custom section

Table of contents
Check Headers and footers

Masterspec Link for Minor Residential
Introduction to Masterspec Minor
Download full guide as a PDF
Accessing Masterspec Link
Building a specification
Adding sections
Deleting work sections
Editing and Customising
Editing clauses
Check Headers and Footers