
Link page numbering


These instructions relate to using Masterspec Link with the Masterspec Standard, Structural & Civil, Services, Landscapes, Basic and Interiors Libraries. Link operates slightly differently with Masterspec Minor Residential - seperate instructions are at the bottom of the navigation.

Page Numbering

By default the pages will be numbered consecutively - each work section following on from the previous work section. If you prefer to start the page numbering of each work section at 1 use the following function under the Masterspec tab:,

Word 2003 and below Continuous Page Numbering
Word 2007 Page Numbering by Section

To return to consecutive page numbering click on this button again.


Assembling the required files
Accessing Link
Building a specification
Adding sections using Q&A
Adding sections without Q&A edits
Work sections - browsing and searching
Which versions of the files are being downloaded
Accessing additional manufacturer's data
Deleting work sections

Editing and customising
Introduction to editing and customising
Prompts for customising content - Guidance notes and Tildes
Editing clauses
Page numbering
Renumbering clauses
Inserting and creating a custom section

Table of contents
Check Headers and footers

Masterspec Link for Minor Residential
Introduction to Masterspec Minor
Download full guide as a PDF
Accessing Masterspec Link
Building a specification
Adding sections
Deleting work sections
Editing and Customising
Editing clauses
Check Headers and Footers