
2.0 Naming Conventions

This section of the standard sets out the requirements and rules for naming object files, properties, property sets, materials, views and material image files.

  2.5 Material naming requirements
This sub-section of the standard defines the requirements for the naming of materials associated with BIM objects.
Material naming rules
  Materials shall be named in accordance with clause 2.1.
Material names shall be unique human readable descriptions of the material.
 2.5.2  Material name structure
  The material name shall be structured as follows:
 NZ1.1.2 Material naming requirements

Material names should be structured in accordance with clause 2.2.3 of the OBOS. The additional field of <Classification> should be included as follows:

Note 2: The Classification field is the Coordinated Building Information (CBI) 4-digit code from the ‘CBICode’ property defined in clause NZ1.1.1.