
2.0 Naming Conventions

This section of the standard sets out the requirements and rules for naming object files, properties, property sets, materials, views and material image files.

  2.3 Property naming requirements
This sub-section of the standard defines the requirements for the naming of properties (also known as
attributes or parameters) associated with BIM objects. BIM properties are variables that store data relating to the object. The naming of properties needs to provide a human readable description of the property requirement and also adopt the conventions and methodologies used within modern programming language techniques to allow automated use of the data contained within..
Unique properties
  Each unique concept describing information about an object shall have a unique property name.
 2.3.2  Property naming rules
  Properties shall be named in accordance with clause 2 .1.
Properties shall be named in a consistent and logical manner to aid clarity and usability.
Each property name shall be a unique human readable description of the property value requirement.
 2.3.3  Boolean properties
  Properties that require the value to be completed with a Yes/No or True/False enumerator, shall be named to indicate such a requirement, for example, ‘IsExternal’.
 2.3.4  Suffix
  If user edited/created property sets are not supported in the BIM authoring system being used (see clause 4.10), a 3 to 6 character suffix can be added to the end of each property name, separated by an underscore(_), to identify the source of the property. For example, DoorPanelHeight_ANZRS.
Note: A suffix cannot be added to the end of property names from defined data schemas such as IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) or COBie. The property names from any defined data schema must not be changed or amended in any way.