
4.0 Object Properties & Property Grouping

This section of the standard defines the properties that should be assigned to a BIM object. It also discusses the grouping of properties and the assignment of properties to object types or object instances.

4.4 Administration properties

  4.4 Administration properties
This sub-section of the standard defines properties to be assigned to a BIM object that relate to the administration and management of the object.
Object admin properties

The set of properties in Table 4A shall be included for all objects.

Property Description Data Type  Example Type
 CreatedBy Name of the person, organisation or library
provider that created the object.
 Character  SupaObjects  Type
 CreatedByURL URL hyperlink to the object creator’s website.  Hyperlink  Type
 ModifiedIssue To record the last date of issue (version or revision) of the object within an object library Value to be completed in the following format <>. The ‘no’ suffix can be used if the object is issued multiple times on that dates.
 Date  2018-03-16.02  Type
 Table 4A - OBOS_Admin properties