
Associating your User Account with your Practice

All system users must be registered with individual logins before they can access Masterspec. If you have already registered, then login using your email address and password.

In order that you can view and create practice specifications, it is necessary to associate your User Account with your practice's subscription account.

Login to Masterspec online, then select the My Details tab and My Subscription Access from the dropdown menu bar.

To connect, the Masterspec subscriber needs to link your User Name with their account, then you will see the logo and name of the practice to connect to.

Select the name of the practice account, then select Connect Now.


NOTE: Individuals can be associated with more than one practice, as this allows users to operate in a freelance or multiple part-time capacity. However you can only be Connected to one practice account at a time.

You are now shown as Connected, and can access the Masterspec libraries the practice subscribes to.

To connect to a different practice, disconnect from the first practice before connecting to the second.

Click the MY DETAILS – DASHBOARD link to now go to your Dashboard.