Uploading PDF’s into mDocs & Contract Appendix
To upload our own documents to mDocs Appendix, simply select the Upload option.
- Select File will open a window allowing you to select your pdf document.
- Select the work section within your specification that it relates to.
- Select whether this will be a one-off upload or if you would like it stored in your Office Library.
- Select the purpose of the document.
- Fill in the Document Title and Description.
- Selecting upload will complete the process.
Uploading PDF’s into the Contract Appendix
To upload our own documents to Contract Appendix , simply select the Upload option.
- Select File will open a window allowing you to select your pdf document.
- Select whether this will be a one-off upload or if you would like it stored in your Office Library.
- Fill in the Document Title and Description.
- Selecting upload will complete the process.