
Uploading PDF’s into mDocs & Contract Appendix

To upload our own documents to mDocs Appendix, simply select the Upload option.

  1. Select File will open a window allowing you to select your pdf document.
  2. Select the work section within your specification that it relates to.
  3. Select whether this will be a one-off upload or if you would like it stored in your Office Library.
  4. Select the purpose of the document.
  5. Fill in the Document Title and Description.
  6. Selecting upload will complete the process.

Uploading PDF’s into the Contract Appendix

To upload our own documents to Contract Appendix , simply select the Upload option.

  1. Select File will open a window allowing you to select your pdf document.
  2. Select whether this will be a one-off upload or if you would like it stored in your Office Library.
  3. Fill in the Document Title and Description.
  4. Selecting upload will complete the process.